SGVUX#28: Privacy UX and Dark Patterns

Explorations into privacy and data collection for the ethical designer
Privacy UX and Dark Patterns is happening on November 2, 2021

Two Octobers ago, we hosted our first event on dark patterns. Jesse Lee Despard and Wanda Seto showed up in costume and gave an "evil by design" talk. It was good, spooky, and awesome. It was recorded live, but we didn't have a good microphone at the time. Ah, pre-COVID times of not investing in better quality microphones...

This November, we're bringing the focus back on dark patterns. Katherine Chen and Grace Lau will be

  • leading an exploration into the impact of privacy and data collection laws on UX design and research;
  • dissecting cookie consent, permission requests, and notifications found in the wild; and
  • talking about a "privacy by design" approach to counter cognitive biases and dark patterns...

... at least we'll try to...

Hope you can join us!

Privacy UX and Dark Patterns - Zoom
This November, join us for an informal discussion about privacy.Grace Lau and Katherine Chen will be conducting an exploration into the good and bad design patterns of privacy and data...
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