May 2024 Updates

Can you believe that it’s already the end of May? Time seems to be flying by faster than ever!

Here at DIA, we’ve been discussing a variety of topics, ranging from the state of artificial intelligence to the latest Assassin’s Creed trailer. 

What else is going on with DIA? Read below to find out!

-Jenny Ear, DIA Staff

DIA programs and initiatives

#1: Read Together Book Club update

The Read Together Book Club will continue with meetings three and four this month. Everyone is currently reading Storytelling with You: Plan, Create, and Deliver a Stellar Presentation by Cole N. Knaflic. 

Interested in bonding with other UX practitioners AND learning how to improve your storytelling? Come join the Book Club meetings! 

The Book Club meets every two weeks on Thursdays at 4 PM Pacific / 7 PM Eastern.

#2: Game Club update

The Game Club is in the middle of its second game jam! This month’s theme is “mystery” in celebration of National Mystery Month

#3: Design Resources

If you want to develop your design skills, check out our list of design resources. Julia has managed the Design Education Resources database since 2022. Currently, there are over 380 resources! See the full list

Events and announcements from communities we support

#4: World IA Café

We have some exciting talks scheduled for World IA Café! View some of our upcoming events:

To keep up with all the events, make sure to subscribe to the World IA Café Luma page.

#5: Taxonomy Talk

Speaking of exciting talks, check out events hosted by Taxonomy Talk! Taxonomy Talk is a Discord community that’s open to anyone interested in taxonomy practices.

You can view a list of upcoming events on Taxonomy Talk’s Luma page.

Want to work with DIA?

Projects give our apprentices the opportunity to work on real-world projects, partner with clients and their stakeholders on their needs and goals, and provide a space for them to learn about the intricacies of understanding how to balance information, needs, and intention.

Feedback wanted

Your feedback matters. Let us know what you think about the content we are sharing, and let us know if there are any topics you’d like us to include.