August 2024 Updates
A summary of updates and events from DIA Design Guild for August 2024.
A summary of updates and events from DIA Design Guild for August 2024.
What’s on Julia’s mind these days? One thing I miss not working is the sense of community and striving for a common goal. Job searching is lonely. Even with support groups and job search circles you are still ultimately on your own. Job searching is like hunting a
Apprentice Program
What’s on Julia’s mind these days? Resumes. They are a lot of work. I read an interesting factoid today. “If you're applying to a role with the title "x" and required skills "a, b, and c", all 4 of those pieces of
What’s on Julia’s mind these days? I’m re-reading one of my favorite design books. No, it is not The Design of Everyday Things. It is How Design Makes the World by Scott Berkun. One of the great parts of the book is that each chapter starts with
What’s on Julia’s mind these days? I’ve been thinking a lot about questions. Questions are not just for interviews, but for life as well. While I do think about the meaning of life a lot, that is not the type of life questions I am talking about
What’s on Julia’s mind these days? Goals. Both setting and accomplishing them. A goal is to go after something you want, hopefully something you are passionate about. How are you setting yourself up for success? How do you know when you have reached that goal? How are you
What’s on Julia’s mind these days? I’ve been thinking a lot about community lately. As in how to create a sense of community. First we must define community: “a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.” I think we
Can you believe that it’s already the end of May? Time seems to be flying by faster than ever!
What’s on Julia’s mind these days? I hope everyone’s mentor mentee relationship is going well and you are making progress. I’ve been thinking a lot about balance lately. Balancing work and personal life. I’ve never been good at it. One thing is always proportionately taking
What’s on Julia’s mind these days? Ugh, the job search. It is not fun and it can be a full-time job. This is definitely the hardest market I have seen in the 25 years of my career. So remember, it is not a rejection of you personally. So
Case Study
A case study describing DIA’s 2023 apprentice program research, our process, and what we found.
A summary of updates and events from DIA Design Guild for April 2024.